New Rainbow Six Siege Test Server Update, Full Patch Notes Announced

It's unclear when the PC test server update will arrive on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Developer Ubisoft Montreal has dropped a new Rainbow Six Siege update on its PC test server that makes various tweaks to tactical FPS operators and more. We've compiled the full patch notes below.

Many of Siege's operators have been changed for balancing purposes. Characters like Buck and Ying see clay mores replaced with other throwable explosives, while Caveira has a new customization item for the M12 SMG, and Jager has been modified to be "a little less oppressive in-game". Also, Mozzie's "Super Short" secondary weapon has been removed and the damage of the TCSG12 shotgun has been reduced.

Elsewhere in the patch, Ubisoft has addressed a number of bugs that continue to plague the game. These include barricade duplication issues, minor menu and store visual issues, clipping issues, and others.

Rainbow Six Siege's fifth season is officially underway, and Ubisoft released a pretty comprehensive update earlier this month to prepare for the season's offerings. This update made changes to the game's maps and operators, updated various bugs, fine-tuned sound and gameplay, and more content.

Full Rainbow Six Siege Test Server Patch Notes
Buck - More keys, more open doors, more opportunities.

Frag Grenades replaced with Claymores

Increased Skeleton Key Magazine Capacity: Skeleton Key magazine capacity increased to 5+1, Skeleton Key max ammo count is now 25+1

Buck brings a special soft breach ability to his team that does what he does best, and on top of that I feel Frag Grenade is a bit too much. Claymore should reduce the punches in his kit from frags, but do more to provide cover when soft infringing.

Caveira - More customization!

Added Razor Holographic Sight option to his M12

The razor feels like a great addition to the M12 due to the good visibility it provides when aiming and offers more customization options.

Jager - We're listening to your feedback. Thank you.

Now a 2 speed / 2 armored operator.

Jager is a very powerful rover and its multiple data points show its huge presence in the game. We want to moderate this by reducing its roaming potential to make its presence in the game a little less oppressive.

Mozzie - Still a short <3.

Removed the Super Shorty secondary.

Currently a powerful intelligence meter and a great rover in the same breath. Altogether, this gives him very high gaming presence as a single Operator and we would like to explore how much he brings to his team.

Ying - Giving our daughter a little more love than Ying.

The number of candelas increased to 4 (more than 3).

Replaced Claymores with Smoke Grenades.

T-95 LSW damage increased to 46 (more than 43).

Even after developing his candelas in Y5S1, Ying's presence is still lower than expected. We hope that giving his kit a little more juice in his tools and weapons helps him on that front.

TCSG12 (Kaid, Goyo)

Added additional magazine to TCSG12.

TCSG12 damage reduced to 55 (from 84).

The TCSG12 can kill any operator with 2 shots as it currently stands. By adding an extra magazine, we're reducing its power to give more fire-fighting power without excessive punishment.

Bug fixes
Fixed - Barricade duplication issues causing rubber bands and/or throwables to bounce off of destroyed barricades.

Solved - Game boots with DX11 when players manually select the Vulkan executable in the Steam installation folder.

Fixed - Dynamic Play button not updating properly when last match is in an Event / Discovery playlist.

Fixed - Players can clip into excavators at Oregon's EXT Construction Site.

Fixed - Minor menu/store visual fixes.

Fixed - Gris charm is missing from some players' stocks.

Fixed - Zofia's birthday gift skin is not applying correctly to the LMG-E.