New Game Mode Coming to League of Legends

League of Legends fans have been requesting a new game mode for a while, and they can finally get one in 2023.

Riot Games has announced that a new game mode will be released this summer. Slightly different from typical game modes like ARAM, URF or Nexis Blitz, it will be in an 8-player 2v2v2v2 deathmatch format. Given how competitive League of Legends has become, it will also benefit the player base, especially casual players.

So 2023 looks like it's going to be a better year than now for casual League of Legends players who want more than skins in a store, at least as an event. Now Riot will have to deliver on these promises to truly convince the community.

If we're good, the start of the 2023 season didn't go as Riot had planned. The cinematic was not what people expected and the amount of information on the new content was also lacking. The community is pissed off and now Riot needs to figure out how to calm them down.

League of Legends New 2v2v2v2 Game Mode

According to Riot Meddler , the game mode will be a deathmatch type mode. The mod will pit four teams of two against each other in "a series of deathmatch-like rounds". Players will be able to level up and purchase items between rounds.

A new theme will also be introduced for the event; reassured fans that there will be no Visual Novel-like element. Riot plans to release the game, which is currently in preparation, in the summer of 2023.

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