LoL - Top 5 Top Lane Champions to Use in Season 11

With the completion of Season 10, the new season of League of Legends Season 11 has begun! For players who are just starting out in the new season, we've compiled the top five champions they can play in the top lane.

The key factor that separates top laners from newcomers to League of Legends is their ability to outrun an opponent. Top lane is a long lane, and top lanes are usually tanks or high damage champions, as you don't have a second champion to lane with. They can effectively use the long side corridors of the League of Legends map to crush their enemies . The overall 1v1 game nature of the top lane means being prepared for more champion options than any other role in the game. There are generally three types of top laner champions in League of Legends . Broadly speaking, hypercars, support-style champions, and split-push champions.

Top lane hyper-carriers deal massive damage to enemies in one second and can damage multiple targets, often with crowd control area damage. Champions that are effective at split knock have a weak lane phase until they take a few items and take effect, but are then hard to stop. Finally, support-style top lanes are solid tanks in League of Legends . Effective top laning requires expertise and sensible champion selections. To help new League of Legends players, we've rounded up some of the best top laner champions from season 11 in this list.

LoL Season 11 Top Five Top Lane Champions

  1. Camille
  2. malphite
  3. pantheon
  4. Aatrox
  5. Darius

The articles and champions mentioned above have been determined entirely based on personal knowledge and experience. Since the information contained is relative, the information that is good and correct for us may not be necessary for some players due to an incorrect or different strategy. All information stated is for new players.

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