LoL Pentakill Skins, 11.18 Patch Notes

In League of Legends, the turn came to 11.18 in the new update cycle. In addition to strengthening and weakening champions, this patch also features the long-awaited Pentakill Skins and Hextech Tristana skins.

The latest update of League of Legends has arrived at the end of patch 11.18 . Two patch packs in this update cycle will then take us to the 2021 LoL World Championship. In an interesting twist this year, the LoL balance shift team stopped pairing buffs and debuffs one-on-one for the first time. Nearly 20 Champions have been buffed to add a little more excitement to L oL Worlds 2021 . We look forward to seeing the impact of this in the tournament. Apart from these changes in game mechanics, there are the long-awaited Pentakill skins and Tristana's Hextech skin.

League of Legends Patch Notes: 11.18

Weakened (Nerf) Champions

Aphelios - Weakened

Ashe - Weakened

Camille - Weakened 

Kalista - Weakened

Lee Sin - Weakened

Renekton - Weakened

Thresh - Weakened

Trundle - Weakened

Varus - Weakened

Buffed Champions

Draven - Strengthened

Dr. Mundo - Strengthened

Gangplank - Strengthened

Jayce - Strengthened

Jinx – Empowered

Kai'Sa – Empowered

Miss Fortune - Empowered

Morgana – Strengthened

Karma - Strengthened

Kog'Maw - Empowered

Singed - Strengthened

Soraka - Strengthened

Taliyah - Strengthened

Twitch – Empowered

Urgot - Strengthened

Yone - Strengthened

Yuumi - Empowered

Zed - Empowered

Zoe - Strengthened


►  LoL's New Champion, Gloomy Vex!


Organized Champions

Lillia - Edited

Fizz - Edited

Qiyana – Edited

Rumble - Edited

Talon - Edited

Item Updates in LoL 11.18 Patch

Item/Rune Updates

Bugs Fixed/Quality of Life Updates 

League of Legends | Pentakill III: The Lost Chapter 

Riot Games has released  the much anticipated Pentakill III Skins for the 7 Champion and the Hextech skin for Tristana in the League of Legends patch notes loop. Pentakill was conceived as a popular death metal band in the LoL universe. Alongside the skins in this patch, their 3rd album Lost Chapter will also be debuting. Each costume will have at least 8 chromas. Pentakill III: Lost Chapter  Champions are;

A new page opens. 🤘
Will you join Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Kayle, Karthus, Mordekaiser, Olaf, Sona and Yorick in their fight to reclaim the glorious kingdom, or will you bring a new era with Viego, the Discord of Pentakill?
It comes out on September 9th. ⏱️

— League of Legends (@LoLTurkiye) September 8, 2021

♦ Hextech Tristana Skin

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