LoL 11.7 Patch Notes - Rhythm of Space Skin Series

After the 11.6 patch for League of Legends, the popular game of Riot Games, the 11.7 patch was included in the game. With this patch, the Rhythm of Space skin line has also been included in the game. Details are in the article.

Riot Games had made significant changes in League of Legends  with the 11.6 patch update it released in the past weeks .  These changes, following the jungle balance changes introduced two patches ago, brought some significant item rebalancing and introduced new Battle Academy skins into the game. In the newly released  patch 11.7 , the developers are introducing major changes to the champions and the new Rhythm of Space skin line . If you want to buy the new series Rhythm of Space skins , buy discounted LoL RP from our site.By the way, you can get these costumes at a much more discount. 

Champion balance changes have been made to Alistar, Hecarim, Ivern, Kai'Sa, Rell, Thresh, Udyr, Tristana, Amumu, Ashe, Braum, Kindred, Lissandra, Mordekaiser, Teemo, Varus, Yasuo, and Yorick . The game is expected to cause a meta change in the competitive and professional arena as there are so many balancing changes introduced. It would be really exciting to see champions with balance changes in the most competitive environment of the Rift and in the hands of the pros. If you wish, without further ado, let's see what happened in the 11.7 patch .

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LoL 11.7 Patch Notes and Details


Weakened (Nerf) Champions

1) Alistar

2) Hecarim

3) Ivern

4) Kai'Sa

5) Rell

6) Thresh

7) Udyr
8) Tristana 

Buffed Champions

1) Amumu
2) Ash
3) Braum
4) Kindred
5) Lissandra
6) Mordekaiser
7) Teemo
8) Varus
9) Yasuo
10) Yorick
E - Grief of the Mist

LoL - New Rhythm of Space Skin Series
The Rhythm of Space BlitzcrankRhythm of Space Lulu
Rhythm of Space Lulu Prestige SeriesRhythm of Space Lux
Rhythm of Space SamiraThe Rhythm of Space Nunu and Willump
Rhythm of Space NasusRhythm of Space Rumble

Fixed Bugs


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