LoL 11.10 Patch Notes and Details

شاركت Riot Games ملاحظات التصحيح 11.10 لـ League of Legends. من خلال ملاحظات التصحيح LoL 11.10 ، يمكن ملاحظة أن منطقة الغابة تحظى بأهمية كما في التصحيحات السابقة. التفاصيل في المقال.

Riot Games has released the recently announced League of Legends 11.10 patch notes on its official site. The patch, which targeted the forest region in particular , brought along the updates that the players have been waiting for a while in general. Empowered jungle zone champions have been allowing you to perform above expectations lately. In addition, Riot, which plans to diversify in the forest region in the 11.10 update , has normally designed champions for different lanes, in order to increase the diversity in the forest region.what he adapted and thus added an extra strength to the region. To sum up, if you are a jungle zone player or want to switch to the jungle zone, now is the time!


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LoL 11.10 Patch Details 


Weakened (Nerf) Champions

1) Bard

2) Darius

3) Galio

4) Jinx

5) Katarina

6) Talon

7) Thresh


Buffed Champions

1) Kaylee

2) Kennen

3) Lux

4) Yumi

5) Zyra

♦ LoL Mystic Series Costumes

Mystic LucianMystical Tahm Kench
Mystical XerathMystic Camille

Fixed Bugs


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