League of Legends URF 2022: What is it? Dates, Details

Riot Games has officially confirmed that League's next returning game mode will be URF.

League of Legends introduces two permanent game modes , Summoner's Rift and ARAM , as well as a popular mode called Ultra Rapid Fire (Ultra Competitiveness Factor), aka URF , from time to time. URF mod always attracts more players and sometimes even surpasses ARAM in popularity.

One of the biggest events of the year, Spirit Blossom 2022 is coming soon, and many players have asked for the return of the URF mod, so much so that the mods team design leader Riot Maxw3ll has officially confirmed that URF will be the next game mode.

Heads up that Pick URF will be heading to PBE this week for testing! if you have any bugs or things, please hit up the League PBE subreddit here:

— Riot Maxw3ll (@ExasperatedDan) September 19, 2022

League of Legends URF 2022: What is it? When will he come?

URF isa standout game mode in League of Legends that is best known for having very low cooldown and infinite mana on champions' abilities. Unlike ARURF, where champions are randomly assigned to players, in URF, players can choose their own champion.

URF Game Mode Details

URF isplayed in Summoner's Rift and you have the ability to choose the champions you want. As with the URF selection, you start with level 1; some champions have a slight advantage over others early in the game. Therefore, choosing the best champions is the key to winning games and not leaning.

Previous ARURF changes implemented to better adopt item rework will also be in URF 2022:

Some additional information:

♦ What is the maximum limit in URF?

Currently, the highest level cap you can reach in URF is level 30.

When Will LoL URF 2022 Release?

According to League of Legends' Mods Team Design Lead Riot Maxw3ll, Pick URF will be coming to PBE soon and is scheduled to launch on October 6, 2022 patch 12.19 . URF will be part of the new Worlds 2022 event. And when the event ends, it will end at the same time.

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