League of Legends Under 50% Off Skins

The list of costumes with a discount rate of less than 50% is in our article.

League of Legends continues its discounts every week and always! This week, there are discounts of up to 50% on many champions.

In this article, we will share the costumes that are discounted under 50%. You can view the costumes below 50% off from the table below.

Costumes below 50% off

Click to buy League of Legends RP with the best price

Costumes ;

War Professor Graves

27% - 975 RP

King of the Crucible Ivern

27% - 975 RP

Pulsefire Twisted Fate

30% - 944 RP

Baker's Pantheon

25% - 731 RP

Azir, Lord of the Dead

45% - 742 RP

Manati Nami

45% - 412 RP

Fossil Kog'Maw

45% - 536 RP