About improvements to the Behavior (Honor) and (Report) system

Quote from Riot Games ' official page:

Cody “Riot Codebear” Germain from Riot Games Developers shared an update on behavioral improvements to the game and new release features from the developers.

As you know over the past few months, destructive behavior in gaming hasn't been resolved much in recent years.

A few things have changed with the last update, however: Developers believe it is important to tackle in-game behavior that directly impacts the outcome of the game, and thus Direct willful feeding, sabotage or game-based harassment (grief), and feedback to players with the potential to idle or intentionally leave the match. will use more effective methods as a result of notifications and report data.

Riot  now shares three projects it will bring after the reporting and muting feature in champion selection:

It's been a while since we updated the Summoner's Law, which defines what we expect from League players and includes our values. Riot, which will explain the behaviors we see as negative and the consequences of them more clearly in this law, will also  strengthen the obligations and rules that are the basis of the League of Legends experience, and find cleaner solutions for the negative behaviors that occur. In particular, intentionally feeding and idle/leaving the computer unattendedThey are developing an advanced auto-detection algorithm that can verify their behavior as quickly as possible. Although they work primarily to better detect these behaviors, they also observe the status of other behaviors and plan the steps they can take to better detect them as a whole team. Working to improve actions taken when gamers leave their computers are detected, developers will consider how these improvements can reduce the impact of leaving players on others.

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