League of Legends 11.12 Patch Notes: Dr. Mundo Rework

LoL 11.12 patch; Dr. Mundo rework has arrived in the valley with new Pool Party skins and Aphelios changes for Braum and Sett.

League of Legends is almost halfway through Season 11 . Mark 'Scruffy' Yetter has previously said that Kai'Sa , Gnar , Renekton , and more will receive major League nerfs for being too strong on a professional level. Many champions have been debuffed since Season 11 started.

First revealed in mid-2020, Dr. Mundo rework is finally complete in 11.12 update . Among the top 40 champions, Zaun's angry man has remained the same in vision, but his kit and in-game appearance have been changed to a more modern one. 

LoL 11.12 Patch Details  

♦ Patch Highlights 


►  LCS 2021 Summer Standings – Week 1


Dr. Mundo Revision

Mundo's overhauled kit features some vintage flair. In particular, his Q and ultimate power are mostly unchanged, but his passive, W, and E have undergone major changes. Chief champion producer Reav3 Dr. Mundo interpreted his work as follows; " We wanted to make Mundo feel more modern and advanced but at the same time it's still very simple to play"

Dr. Mundo commemorative skins are available in the shop during patch notes 11.12 and 11.13. 

♦ General Changes

♦ Ability Changes

Passive – Adrenaline Flow


►  _ Mundo Rework Skins


Q - Germ Line

W - Flaming Suffering

E – Acısever

R – Sadism

Buffed Champions

1) Aphelios

 2) Draven

3) Hecarim

4) Illaoi

5) Jarvan

6) Malphite

7) rammus

8) Ziggs

Weakened (Nerf) Champions

1) Wukong

 2) Varus

3) Udry

4) Talon

5) Renekton

6) Nasus

7) Kai'Sa

8) Gnar

Fixed Bugs and Quality of Life Changes

Pool Party Skins

The focus of League of Legends patch 11.12 is mostly on Dr. Having spent a little less time on skin looks as it's a Mundo rework , Riot nevertheless shared two high-quality " Pool Party " skins for Freljord strongman Braum and self-proclaimed 'Boss' Sett.

Pool Party Braum and Pool Party Sett will be out on June 10.




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