How to Make the Most Effective Entry Frag in VALORANT?

If you are playing an FPS game like VALORANT, we know that tactics are essential to win the game. One of the most important things for the team to do is to distribute the roles properly. It is obvious that entry fragging has a key role in winning every FPS game.

Valorant , which Riot Games launched in June 2020 , almost caused a sensation around the world from the moment it was introduced. Valorant, which entered the top 10 on Twitch's most watched game list in 2020, still continues to maintain its popularity. Tactical thinking, which is a must for FPS games, is one of the necessary elements to win the game here. If you're playing a competitive and team-based game like Valorant, one of the most important things your team should do is distribute the roles properly. One of these roles is the entry fragger , that is, the person who will lead when attacking the areas.

What is Entry Fragging?

Entry fragging means that one of the team attracts attention during the operation and meets the enemy attack. Therefore, we can say that it requires the player to make sacrifices. It doesn't sound like a fun role at all. But it should not be forgotten that entry fraggers have a key role in every team. It's the entry fragger 's job to clear the areas, detect enemy positions, and give the team the time necessary to set up an ambush .


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Things to Do for Effective Entry Fragging

♦ Agent Selection

Vice, one of the professional Valorant  players , said in a video where he talked about entry fragging , that he gave this role to duelists like Raze. Thanks to Raze's Explosive Bag, he can do things like close gaps and break into space. Once a duelist breaks into the area, they usually run out of features they can use. However, this allows the rest of the team to save their abilities for later, and thanks to the duelist, the team will have information about the enemy area. 

Other than Raze, there are Phoenix, Yoru and Reyna among the agents who can fragging entries . Phoenix Dodge Cannon and dodgeball, Yoru can also effortlessly enter an area using their melee abilities such as Çatkapi and Fake Horse. Additionally, Jett's Like the Wind can quickly save the team when they're in trouble.

♦ Tracking

One of the most critical features of an entry fragger is to be able to predict how the enemy guards an area and their positions. Once the player learns to do this, they can prioritize points to attack and enter the area more effectively. In fact, tracking isn't a very common tactic in Valorant . Still, it sure makes it easier for players to hit moving targets, control gun recoil, and navigate the map.

♦ Vision and Sensitivity

Targeting is one of the sine qua non of entry fragging . However, players must react quickly to the targets in front of them and make quick decisions. Entry fraggers must anticipate the enemy team's potential tactics and quickly create a plan accordingly.

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