Fortnite's new update made the challenges easier to follow

Quality-of-life improvements will come with patch 4.3

Tuesdays  are an exciting day in Fortnite for Season 4 Battle Pass holders. A new series of weekly challenges has been released, and although you have everything you need to complete them, players are eager to achieve them and earn new rewards. This process is already starting to get nicer, one of a newer game quality change.

Epic Games has outlined many of the new features and changes proposed for versions 4.3 and later. Something coming in 4.3 is challenging progress notifications. A message pops up during matches so that you know where you stand to finish a particular challenge as you accomplish your goals.

Currently, you can only check how you work with the match-to-match challenges in the main menu. You can also pick up the mental notes, but it gets harder when lots of challenges arise. Am I supposed to get the open chests in Elimations and Greasy Grove in Tomato Town? How many more shotguns do I have to kill? This gets confusing and can affect your ability to get something if you shoot at the enemy with a pistol when this challenge is already over.

It's a minor tweak, but something much appreciated by gamers, especially as Epic continues to roll out new playable content. While others are helpful to everyone, it's not the only quality improvement that will benefit those who want to complete challenges. Epic , for example , is experimenting with adding world markers (which you see on the map to go along with the compass) and continuing to reduce load times.

The latest Fortnite update 4.2 introduced the long-awaited Jetpack for a limited time. There's a lot more to come on the horizon, as we're also on the verge of seeing more new limited-time modes, for example including a Playground with Respawns and friendly fire.

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