Best Lol Champions to Play in ADC Role

League of Legends ADC champions can maximize damage while minimizing risk. We've compiled the best champions in patch 13.10 for you.

The challenge of climbing in League of Legends is about knowing which champions you should choose to maximize your gaming experience. There are currently more than 160 champions in the game , all with different abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Each role has its own unique features.

In the ADC role, damage is an absolute priority. ADCs are considered the glass balls of the game and are designed to stay behind in team fights, helping their teammates deal greater damage and stay out of danger.

The best ADCs in League of Legends are champions that can maximize damage while minimizing risk. While many modern champions in this role have some form of escape mechanism such as dashing, disappearing, or immunity, you can be punished for mispositioning.

LoL 13.10 patch brought significant changes to the role. As such, it would not be surprising if the winning charts changed in line with the update. The latest patch notes haven't changed much for the champions, but they've completely changed the items andthe bottom lanemeta.

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Who is League of Legends Patch 13.10 Top ADC Champion?

In the LoL 13.10 notes, the champion with the highest win rate in the ADC role was Veigar with 54.49%. While his selection rate may not be very high, he still has the best win rate by a large margin. The next highest win rate champion was Kog'Maw at 53.60%, making Kog'Maw a pretty reliable option in the ADC role. In patch 13.10, the most popular ADC champion was Jinx with a 28.1% pick rate, followed by Ezreal with a 20% pick rate and Kai'Sa with a 17.4% pick rate.

But with regular updates, patches where champions are constantly buffed or weakened, the best ADC champion in LoL is constantly changing. Therefore, the best or worst ADC champion may be affected by the latest update of the game.

Teeth of Hell, Kog'Maw

Having been out of the meta for years, Kog'Maw has started to climb the win rate charts thanks to a series of buffs and item changes.

We can assume that players who like Kog'Maw's carry playstyle are already experienced in building team compositions around him. His high percentage of life-shatter and his attack-magic damage combination make him a deadly champion. However, it also has some important disadvantages.

Kog'Maw's biggest weakness is that it just isn't enough. Self-protection mechanisms are almost non-existent and provide little crowd control. Also, while his W ability gives him a massive range advantage, Kog'Maw might find it difficult to get some help from his allies in keeping enemies in range.

When should you choose Kog'Maw?

Ideally, you should choose Kog'Maw with a support role. While he can work with tight attack support champions, his late game is so strong that it's ideal to direct all your resources towards him. Shields, heals, and buffs from teammates are incredibly important when it comes to late game carry.

Deadly Tempo should be your rune on Kog'Maw in almost every game. His standard build is way over the attack speed cap, which means Deadly Tempo is a necessary part of reaching max damage output.

Firecracker, Jinx

Recently, Jinx has seen a huge spike in both pick rate and win rate after League of Legends' buffs in patch 13.5. Even though its win rate was slightly affected after a minor nerf, it still tops their charts.

Jinx stands out among other hypercar ADCs as a late game focused ADC. The late game performance is quite satisfactory, although it has some weaknesses in terms of mobility and self-defense.

When should you choose Jinx?

Jinx's Q bonus range and powerful W attacks make a pretty strong stance in the lane and have a huge impact later in the game. However, it is extremely vulnerable to champions like Blitzcrank and Thresh. If his position is disturbed, he can die immediately.

In conclusion, if you want to choose Jinx, it's important to put yourself in a position to be able to carry. Combined with her strong snowball potential with her extra range and passive ability, it's fair to admit that Jinx is an incredibly fragile glass ball champion. Because of this, Jinx is one of the hardest-to-carry champions in the game.

Jinx is a champion with an incredibly high natural attack speed and gains a powerful attack speed boost with her Q ability. Therefore, running the Deadly Tempo run is of great benefit. Rocket attack range is already impressive, but combined with Tempo's additional range, Jinx makes it nearly impossible to get away from her opponents.

Unbridled Happiness, Nilah

It is possible to say that Nilah did not make a big impact when it was released. It didn't immediately top the win rate charts and wasn't one of the top choices in the role. Nor did it display a bad win rate at launch, like Zeri or K'Sante. However, it has managed to attract the attention of players who have mastered it, thanks to its ability to block auto-attacks and outrun opponents.

Nilah doesn't play like a typical ADC champion . It's not easy to learn how to survive and use his mobility at short range, and his power curve differs from other champions. Nilah has advantages and disadvantages, and it may take time to learn how to mitigate the disadvantages while making the most of her strengths.

When should you choose Nilah?

Despite having a low overall pick rate, Nilah has been topping the win rate charts lately, and her patch passes are getting more successful as players discover the best rune path.

It's also pretty strong against a range of spells, putting it in an advantageous position in competitive play given the prevalence of meta spells. However, pairing her with a support champion like Pyke might allow Nilah to play a more "supportive" role, focusing on waves, starting battles with her ultimate, and trying to protect other carriers with her W ability.

It may not have the range of other League of Legends ADCs, but it makes up for it with its abilities and utility. While her playstyle sets her apart from other champions, Nilah may take some time to learn, but it's definitely worth the time.

Virtuoso, Jhin

Jhin has an overall high pick rate and win rate, which consistently puts him on the list of LoL's top champions . Given the power and uniqueness of his kit, even a small change can elevate him to the top of his role.

A few changes were made in the patch 13.10 notes, and while the meta is still taking shape, the new and improved Stormrazor takes Jhin's win rate to new heights. Jhin is the champion of choice for players who want to keep the opposing team out of range and compete with one deadly shot.

When should you choose Jhin?

Jhin is very team friendly as an ADC. Other than tough champions like Jarvan, there aren't many bad matches that could get him into trouble; While not as mobile as many other ADCs, it has a large source of movement speed.

Note that Jhin's moment-to-moment gameplay is drastically different from other champions in his role. While he's effective against low health targets with his fourth shot's percentage of health damage, he's generally vulnerable. If you want to knock down towers or get early dragons, Jhin might not be the best option.

The Little Lord of Evil, Veigar

Along with a series of nerfs after hitting the top of the meta, Veigar has emerged as one of League of Legends' strongest movers, both as mid laner and ADC. Or APC. It doesn't play remotely like a regular AD carry champion and requires a slightly different skill set than other champions in the role.

However, it's really hard to turn off a good Veigar player. As long as you hold your position, the Veigar is excellent at creating space and harassing the enemy. Plus, its infinite AP scaling makes it a real time bomb. Even if you don't have a good early game, this champion will always be impressive.

When should you choose Veigar?

Since Veigar is one of the strongest champions in the current patch with the updates made , there is not much to choose from. If your team mainly lacks AP champions and turret damage, Veigar probably won't be the best choice. However, he can definitely counter opponents like other heavy long-range champions Caitlyn and Varus, and his Q's low cooldown makes lane farming easier, even under turret. Farming under the turret has become a bit more difficult after the early game power downs in patch 13.7, but dealing with these issues in bottom lane is easier than in mid lane.

If you have a chance to combine Veigar with Senna you will have one of the best scaling lanes in the game. It might not make much sense to pick him by trying to kill him in the early game, but if you can get past the early game challenges and accumulate some AP, Veigar will be an extremely lethal champion.

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