5 Champions That Wild Rift Beginners Will Easily Master

Based on League of Legends, the mobile game Wild Rift has an ever-expanding roster of champions that can easily overwhelm new players.

MOBA games in general are complex. Players must understand macro and micro decision making and learn champion mechanics for all characters in the game. If you are new to Wild Rift , it will be more educational for you to choose champions that will help you understand the game and understand the importance of objectives, barons and items. The champions that can be easily accessed by players who are new to Wild Rift and can also carry the game are listed below.

Most Accessible Wild Rift Champions for Beginners

1) Upper Corridor | Darius

When it comes to Wild Rift 's top lane, Darius and Garen are the two easiest champions to master. Darius has a deceptive amount of damage both inside and outside of his lane phase. The lack of gap-closing tools and short auto-attack range make it easily countered by Wild Rift champions like Teemo, Akali, and Olaf. Teemo is his worst nightmare, as Yordle's blind ability doesn't allow his basic attacks to land, thus blocking his Bleed passive build.

Darius Abilities

Passive - Bleeding

Q - Reaper Ax

W - Bone Breaker

E - Hold Pull

Ultimate – Noxian Guillotine

2) Jungle | Amumu

Amumu may seem a little difficult at first, but after just a few hours of playtime, he can effectively learn his ins and outs. It has both great offensive and defensive abilities, good jungle net speed, and tools to start fighting effectively.

Amumu Skills

Passive – Cursed Touch

Q - Winding Shot

W - Flood of Tears

E - Nervous Breakdown

R – Curse of the Sad Mummy


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3) Middle Hallway | Annie

For both Wild Rift and League of Legends , Annie is one of the entry-level base champions for new players to pick up and learn. Annie's simplicity is pretty deceiving, as she comes with a ton of explosion damage built into the Dark kid's kit.

Annie Talents

Passive – Arsonist

Q - Destroy

W - Fire

E - Flame Shield

R - Summon: Tibbers

4) Ash

Playing and mastering an ADC isn't exactly easy in League of Legends or Wild Rift . Besides the champion's mechanics, players also need to be mindful of things like positioning so they don't get knocked down instantly. Ashe 's kit is relatively easy to master. It's not difficult to position it in and around team fights, as it has good range. The auto-attack slow he receives and the slow from his Vole make it easier for him to fly and catch escaping enemies.

Ashe Abilities

Passive - Ice Shot

Q - Purity

W - Barrage

E - Hawkshot

R – Magic Crystal Arrow

5) Support | Soraka

Soraka is a living, breathing, walking ambulance whose healing abilities in Wild Rift can tilt enough to cause the enemy team to lose the game. Unlike other Wild Rift support, it lacks effective engagement tools. Playing against a Soraka in the bottom lane can be really annoying, especially when using an aggressive bottom lane with a poke weight. It can sustain many compositions by forcing the enemy to build anti-healing items that passively boast heavy wounds. Soraka is relatively easy to learn and is recommended for Wild Rift players who want to master support.

Soraka Skills

Passive – Salvation

Q - Starburst

W - Astral Inspiration

E - Equinox

R - Wish

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